"I can't sleep through this." I said, disgruntingly. It was four in the morning, the day before my scheduled induction. I had been having what I suspected to be gas pains for the last few hours and I was beginning to get agitated. If this keeps up, I thought, I'll mess up my whole sleep schedule and go into my induction as exhausted as I was now. I didn't want the epidural, so I knew I needed my energy. I shuddered for a second as I imagined that long needle, dripping with blood in the hands of a crazed doctor.
" Maybe you should start counting." my fiance said, careful to avoid the dreaded "L" word. We had both spent the last week waiting for the labor my doctor had announced "would happen anytime now". I was ten seconds away from drinking castor oil, or worse, having sex. My doctor had kindly allowed me a due date induction though, probably so he could get me out of the way and go on vacation.
I shrugged at Jay, my fiance, then decided he was right. I stood up and threw on a shirt, then starting counting and walking around. I was sure, even on the fourth contraction, that this couldn't be it. Still, they fit the bill. They were about five minutes apart and by the tenth one in a row, I decided we should go to the hospital.
Jay had already been running back and forth from our room to his mother's(we lived with his parents), smoking cigarettes in their nicotine cave and then running back to see if I was still in labor. When I told him we were going, he ran back and asked her to drive us. We loaded up the bags and got in the car, but I was still wondering when the contractions were going to stop and make a fool of me.
When we got to the hospital, I started to believe it was the real deal. Obviously, though, the nurse disagreed with me. She came in with a look that suggested we had ran over her favorite dog, hissing at me and my mother in law, " I suppose you smoke too?"
I shook my head, not sure what she could be talking about. Too? Who was this other secret smoker? She then hooked me up to the bed monitors, telling me in no uncertain terms that I could not possibly be in labor. She asked me to rate the contractions on a 1 to 10 scale, then laughed at me for thinking they were even above a 1. After all, she said, it doesn't really mean anything to have contractions every five minutes. It only matters how fast you dialate. I wondered vaguely whether she had ever read a single pregnancy book.
Anyways, she checked my cervix rather than pay any attention to my silly contractions. I shuddered that her stubby fingers had actually entered my vagina. To add to my joy, my mother in law did not apparently find it wierd to stay in the room during this action. That way she got a look at her son's playground long before I was in my lack of modesty stage. This won't make dinner awkward at all.
She noted no change from the dialation I had had on monday(it was wednesday now)though she did say that my cervix was now anterior, which it was not on monday. She left the room and said that if I didn't dilate in an hour, I would be going home.
The contractions got stronger over that hour and laying flat down in the bed made them feel like they were much more powerful. If this is what labor is like, I thought, I don't want anything to do with it. The nurse giggled at me when she came back in, because I was obviously a hypochondriac. I hadn't had any cervix change in that hour. She told me that I was not in labor, and not to come back until tomorrow morning for my scheduled induction. Then I assume she went to slaughter a baby kitten.
We went home in very bad spirits and called my whole family to tell them we would now be spending the day at home, wondering how far I was. I was so terrified that I would not know when to go now, and end up delivering a baby on the bathroom floor.
The majority of the day was spent in our room, pretending to watch tv through my contractions. Some of them were really easy to get through, some of them made me think I was going to die. Jay didn't even realize I was in so much pain though, I couldn't make a noise through them if I tried.
I learned to cope after a few hours. I would stand through the contractions as laying down caused the most pain, then I would rock back and forth through them until they faded. I was coping very well on my own and didn't particularly want anyone else to touch me. It felt like if I let go of my rituals, then I would fail.
I called the nurse's station several times, asking if I should come in yet. I assume I must have been very annoying, but I was lucky enough to at least get several different nurses. They didn't believe I was in labor, however, so I gave up. The last nurse actually told me " You sound way too happy to be in labor." I was thrilled to know that my hospital of choice had a staff that had been educated by a ten minute video of what labor should look like.
By the time night fell I stopped feeling them. I was so prepared for the pain and so prepared for the peaks, that I barely twitched when one came on. After twenty four hours, they were pretty much just part of my life. I wanted sleep though, I felt as though I was hitting a mental breakdown. I started daydreaming about that crazed epidural man, suddenly thinking of how beautiful that blood soaked needle really was. Just imagine, I thought, a nap. A real nap. I started to salivate at the thought, barely even realizing my feet were leading me right to jay's mom.
" let's go back to the hospital." I said, the words falling out of my mouth like vomit. I was dealing with the contractions like a pro now, thankfully, so the car ride was less horrible than my nightmares had told me it would be.
No one seemed to notice I was even in pain, which was slightly annoying. I pretended to give a rat's ass about the stories jay's mom was telling and silently prayed that I was at least four centimeters. I started thinking that if I said it to myself enough times, it would be true. I had to have that epidural.
When we got to the hospital, the nurses looked at me with a wary eye. None of them believed I was in labor. They strapped me up to the monitors anyways, then brought a much friendlier nurse to check my cervix. She checked and looked up with wide eyes.
" You're six centimeters." she said, staring at me as though I would suddenly start to writhe in pain. I had never heard more relieving words in my life and I immediately asked for an epidural. She nodded her head knowingly, then left to find the epidural man.
I invited my mother, stepmother, and stepsister as no one else was willing to climb out of bed and come. I suppose I should have expected it. My family didn't even celebrate christmas, let alone the birth of my baby.
They were entertaining to begin with. I was happy to have people there I could talk to, especially as they were all getting along. It was like we had a chick party at the hospital. I wasn't noticing my contractions AT ALL at this point. I didn't even realize I was still having them. I was so happy to be getting the epidural that I felt as though I'd already had it.
The nurses came in and out a bit, still staring at me as though I would sprout wings and fly away. " You're having a contraction." the nurse said, practically asking me to show some emotion about it.
" I know." I said, trying not to sound like I was proud. I didn't want the nurses to think I was egotistical, so I explained to her that I dealt with pain differently than most people. The pain hadn't stopped, it was just being ignored by my brain.
They brought the IV needles in before I could get the epidural. She warned me that it would hurt beforehand, so I was feeling very apprehensive about it already. I had spent weeks dreading the IV. I asked her what it would feel like, how long it would take, and any other question I could come up with. I felt as though I was interviewing the nurse for a job position.
When she finally inserted the needle, I was in more pain than the contractions. I tried not to react as she pushed it in for what must have been the whole life span of a bee, then told me we would need to redo it.
The third try was the one that worked, so I was seconds away from tears by the time they had it hooked up. I laughed to the nurse about how I was secretly a big baby. Now it was time to change my fears though, so I began to ask for the epidural man. She had warned me that my contractions would grow stronger when they broke my water, and I wasn't entirely sure I could handle that. I was getting fearful as the time ticked by, what if my water broke on it's own?
The man came in when I was at eight centimeters, just barely making it in time. I sat up and grabbed onto the nurses arms, holding my shoulders down and concentrating solely on the freckle on my wrist. I just knew he was going to mess up and kill me somehow.
I only felt a slight poke and then a wierd electric shock down my left leg. I waited for the pain for a couple minute after he was already done, seeing the scared look on my fiance's face made me sure it was coming. It didn't though, so I supposed the needle must have been just as terrifying as I thought. Perhaps the epidural man did laugh hysterically as he squirted blood out the tip of his foot long needle. Nothing else could justify the look on my fiance's face, it was one of pure horror.
It only worked on one side. At this point, they were just about to break my water. I panicked and started asking repeatedly for the epidural man to come back. Feeling it on one side was worse than feeling the whole thing. I couldn't control my emotions when it was just one side, my ritual was ruined.
He came back thankfully, made another mistake, then gave me my third epidural. One baby, three epidurals. At least I get to say when he gets older " I was in such horrible labor with you that I needed three epidurals, and you won't eat your broccoli for me?" Or perhaps I will just beat him.
I was shaking uncontrollably at this point and lost the ability to pay attention to my mob of women. They hadn't noticed me in hours anyways. They only liked me I told jokes. If I was actually in pain, their attention drifted elsewhere. My fiance hadn't left my side though and he was the best supporter I could have asked for. He was worried when he was supposed to be, noticed my every contraction, then just held my hand when nothing was happening.
We started a pitocin drip after that, which made me feel guilty. I had slowed down my labor with that epidural, I thought, I was going to end up with a c section as punishment. Then I began to wonder if perhaps my intense fear of actually birthing a human being was the reason he stayed in. Perhaps he was doing mommy a favor.
Luck wasn't on my side though, I ended up at ten centimeters twenty minutes later. The nurse asked me if I felt the urge to push, but I didn't. I never did. I had spent the last four hours terrified of that urge to push. My sister had had an epidural and still she began to scream as though the baby was actually using a machete to come into this world. So naturally, I assumed it would be excruciating. Instead it was a mild feeling as though I had eaten a bad bologna sandwich.
I noticed that all of the women were not exiting as they should when my legs were up in stir ups. I couldn't move them, so jay put them in the stir ups for me. Terrific, I thought, this should be easy.
Everyone I know it seems decided now was the time for action. I got three phone calls while my vagina waved hello to the outside world, and it seemed as though my woman mob was going to be having a private conversation. They continued to chatter as my mother came to hold my hand. I pushed it away in the friendliest way I could as I hung up the cell phone and asked everyone to get out before I ate them.
The practice pushes made me feel useless. The baby was moving down I knew, but I had imagined a more painful situation. I felt like I wasn't doing anything at all. They made me stop and informed me that my doctor was on his way.
Wait a minute, I thought, there's that urge. I have to push. I have to push. I have to push. The thought echoed over and over again in my head as I began to moan anything I could get my mouth to say. I could feel him sliding down the birth canal. I could feel his head beginning to crown. It was crowning. The doctor walked in and took the longest time any human being has ever taken to put gloves on as I screamed, " He's coming on his own!"
The doctor told me to push, told me to stop within seconds, then pulled the baby out of me. His cries echoed out like magic, making me burst into pathetic tears immediately. They put his disgusting body on my chest and all I could think was " God that's a fat baby."